Author: Nora

When travelling to Indonesia, it is crucial to be aware of the customs and traditions that define this country. For those who practice Islam, a halal travel guide can help ensure their trip runs smoothly and follows Islamic laws. Whether you are looking for destinations where Islamic principles are followed or want advice on what food to try while in Indonesia, this guide will provide all the information needed for a successful journey through this beautiful country. Thanks to its diverse population, incredible landscape and rich culture, Indonesia has become one of the world’s top tourist attractions. With a Muslim…

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Kuala Lumpur is a city of vibrant contrasts and breathtaking attractions. The Malaysian capital has everything from its towering skyscrapers to its sprawling parks. Kuala Lumpur offers a wealth of delights for tourists from far and wide. For anyone looking for something new and exciting, this bustling metropolis will be sure to tick all the boxes – think Alice in Wonderland meets The Arabian Nights! A trip to Kuala Lumpur would only be complete with a visit to one of its many world-class attractions. Whether you’re interested in history or modern art, there’s something here for everyone. Take your pick…

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Singapore is a glittering gem of Southeast Asia, bursting with attractions that will dazzle you. Muslim travel in Singapore is possible, and it has something for everyone, from the iconic Merlion statue to the colourful nightlife scene. Whether looking for an exciting city experience or a chance to relax and take in some culture, this vibrant metropolis won’t disappoint. This article will explore some of the best attractions in Singapore – from family-friendly activities to must-see sights. Get ready to uncover secret spots and off-the-beaten-path gems as we delve into what makes this island nation unique. Be warned – it may be…

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Ah, Hanoi. A city is so vibrant and exciting that it’s a wonder why more travellers aren’t flocking to its bustling streets in search of halal-friendly experiences. Even if you’re a Muslim looking for a halal travel trip, there are still plenty of options available for an unforgettable holiday – with the proper guidance. With this guide to halal travel in Hanoi, you can make your journey through one of Vietnam’s most iconic cities as comfortable and enjoyable as possible! Can Muslims travel to Vietnam? Yes, Muslims can travel to Vietnam. Vietnam is open to visitors of all religious backgrounds.…

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Are you looking for an unforgettable getaway? Bali is the perfect destination for a halal-friendly holiday. With stunning beaches, lush rainforests and vibrant cities, this Indonesian paradise has something to offer everyone. From Muslim-friendly accommodation and delicious cuisine to unique cultural experiences, here’s why your next halal travel vacation should be in Bali! Bali is one of Indonesia’s most popular tourist destinations – and it’s easy to see why. Not only is it home to breathtaking scenery and fascinating culture, but plenty of options are available for halal travel in Bali too. Whether you’re looking for restaurants that serve authentic…

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Are you looking for a travel destination that promises adventure, culture and spirituality? Well, look no further than Tokyo! This Japanese city is the perfect place to explore your faith while discovering Japan’s fascinating sights in a halal travel way. Tokyo provides an opportunity for Muslim travellers to experience the best of Japan with peace of mind. From traditional mosques to halal-friendly restaurants, this vibrant metropolis will keep you busy and entertained. Why choose Tokyo as halal-friendly destination? Travelling to Tokyo for halal travel is an extraordinary experience! It’s a city that offers something unique and special – no other…

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Are you ready to experience the exotic beauty of Bangkok? With over 23 million tourists visiting annually, this bustling city is a popular destination for travellers worldwide. But what makes it particularly unique is its vibrant halal travel scene. More than 11% of all visitors to Bangkok are Muslim – an impressive statistic showing how much the city caters to travellers with special needs and preferences. For those looking to explore Bangkok through a lens of religious freedom and cultural acceptance, there has never been a better time! From mosques and markets to delicious cuisine and exciting activities, this incredible…

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Travelling is a great way to explore the world, learn about different cultures, and experience new places. But for those who wish to do so by faith, navigating between what’s permissible and not can be tricky. Halal travel is an increasingly popular option that more and more Muslims are embracing – according to recent statistics, approximately 70% of Muslim travellers prefer halal-friendly destinations when planning trips abroad. So what does it mean precisely by ‘halal travel’? Whether you’re looking for somewhere to stay or something to eat while on your travels, specific considerations must be made within Islamic guidelines before…

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If you are travelling to a non-Muslim country, it is important to check the ingredients of the food you are eating and make sure that it is halal. If you are unsure of the ingredients, it is best to avoid eating the food. Make sure to research restaurants and grocery stores in the area that offer halal food. Halal Meat Restrictions in Different Cultures Halal meat is a type of meat that is prepared according to Islamic dietary laws. Halal meat is typically prepared by slaughtering the animal in a ritualized manner and draining all of the animal’s blood. The…

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Halal and kosher are two sets of dietary laws observed by religious communities around the world. Both halal and kosher food regulations originate from Islamic and Jewish scriptures respectively, providing detailed instructions on what can be consumed as part of an adherent’s diet. This article will explore the fundamental differences between halal and kosher diets in greater detail to gain a better understanding of these two distinct ways of life. The concept of avoiding certain types of foods has been practiced for centuries by various cultures throughout history. In modern times, adherents to both Islam and Judaism practice their respective…

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Have you ever wondered why the Quran, a centuries-old holy book, is still relevant and meaningful in people’s lives today? One of the reasons for its enduring relevance lies within its short surahs or chapters. These concise yet powerful pieces have enabled Muslims worldwide to connect deeply with their faith since they were revealed over 1400 years ago. In this article, we will take a closer look at how these short surahs of the Quran can help us gain greater insight into our spiritual journeys. The Quran contains 114 surahs which are divided into verses called ayat. While some may…

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Ramai antara kita yang tak tahu cara baca label makanan. Biasanya, ramai yang tak peduli sangat pun. Sebenarnya, tak bolehlah begitu. Kalau pergi shopping barang-barang dapur di Giant, Lotuss mahupun 99 Speedmart, adalah penting untuk memahami apa yang terkandung dalam pemakanan seharian kita. Label makanan memberikan informasi tentang jumlah kalori, nutrien, dan bahan tambahan dalam setiap portion makanan tersebut. Ini membantu kita membuat pilihan yang lebih baik tentang apa yang kita makan dan memastikan kita mendapatkan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk menjaga kesihatan kita. Cara Baca Label Makanan Berikut adalah beberapa langkah penting untuk bantu anda membaca label makanan dan seterusnya membuat…

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Di Facebook, telah tersebar semula pendedahan palsu yang menyatakan Starbucks “haram” dan ia dilarang dalam Islam. Agensi kerajaan Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab untuk Hal-Ehwal Islam (JAKIM) telah mengesahkan bahawa Starbucks memegang sijil halal rasmi. Seorang wakil Starbucks Malaysia memberitahu AFP bahawa syarikat itu menggunakan produk yang disahkan oleh JAKIM di semua cawangan mereka. Tokoh agama Islam yang disebut dalam hantaran tersebut, Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed, juga membantah bahawa dia membuat pendedahan palsu dan meminta pengguna media sosial untuk berhenti berkongsi perkara yang tidak pasti. Pendedahan ini dikongsikan di Facebook pada 31 Disember 2022, bersama dengan screenshot post lain yang telah dikongsikan secara…

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Benarkah ada banyak kebaikan makan di luar berbanding memasak sendiri di rumah? Tapi, nak masak sendiri, rasa macam penat. Nak sediakan bahan-bahan, nak kemas dan maca-macam lagi. Kalau makan di luar pula, kena keluar duit yang banyak. Rasa macam membazir pula. Jom kita tengok dan bicang sama-sama. Kebaikan Makan di Luar Berikut adalah pendapat kami yang ditulis dengan santai sahaja: Menjimatkan Masa dan Tenaga Makan di luar menjimat masa dan usaha yang dikorbankan semata-mata untuk membeli bahan-bahan, memasak, dan membersihkan selepas makan. Ini sangat-sangat membantu bagi individu yang sibuk yang tidak mempunyai masa atau tenaga untuk memasak di rumah. Balik…

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Sijil halal adalah aspek penting dalam industri makanan di Malaysia. Apa tidaknya, majoriti penduduk Malaysia adalah Melayu Muslim. Dengan adanya sijil halal JAKIM ini, ia dapat memastikan bahawa produk makanan dan bahan-bahan memenuhi syarat-syarat dan peraturan dalam agama Islam. Tentulah juga, ia sesuai dimakan oleh masyarakat Muslim. Sijil ini tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi pengguna Muslim tetapi juga memberi makluman kepada non-Muslim yang mungkin kurang cakna. Secara tidak langsung, ia memeriahkan lagi pembangunan industri makanan halal di negara ini. Kenapa Sijil Halal Penting? Tuntutan Agama Ini bukan perkara main-main. Sijil halal itu penting kerana ia dapat memastikan bahawa produk makanan dan…

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Membeli atau memasak makanan, mana satu yang sebenarnya menjimatkan wang? Dalam erti kata lain, masak atau beli lebih jimat? Dalam artikel ini, kami akan cuba lihat dari dua perspektif dan menilai kelebihan dan kekurangan setiap satu. Membeli makanan di restoran Kelebihan: Mudah dan cepat untuk membeli makanan yang sudah siap dibungkus di restoran besar ataupun fast-food. Terdapat pelbagai pilihan makanan yang boleh dipilih. Hanya perlu hulur duit sahaja. Kekurangan: Harga makanan yang sudah siap dibungkus lebih tinggi berbanding dengan membeli bahan mentah dan memasak sendiri. Kalau gaji besar, tak ada masalah dan tidak membebankan. Membeli makanan di pasar malam…

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